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von Jerger, Ilona

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Faiths on Display

eBook - Religion, Tourism, and the Chinese State

Erschienen am 16.10.2010, Auflage: 1/2010
144,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781442205086
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 292 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


By providing a unique perspective on China's changing relationship with religion, this groundbreaking book explores the role the Chinese state continues to play in religious revival today. Over the past several decades, China has experienced a rapid expansion of religious spaces and activities. More recently, a growing middle-class urban society has fueled an upsurge in Chinese domestic tourism.Faiths on Display challenges the common separation of religious and tourist activities, showing how these practices overlap and blend together. A group of leading scholars explores the unlikely interaction between these exuberant phenomena, finding a surprisingly clear lens through which to view a rapidly transforming society. Even the most casual observer is struck by the Chinese rediscovery of traditional culture, particularly at revived religious festivals and pilgrimages in suburbs, rural areas, and at China's margins where religious practices of ethnic minorities attract particular tourist attention.

A set of fascinating case studies shows how state organizations are helping revive "sacred spaces" as exploitable sites for tourism development and revenue generation. While this may appear to be a straightforward collision of Chinese tradition with modernization, the contributors argue that the results of combining religion and tourism offer important insights not only into the practice of religion and the rise of "leisure culture" in contemporary China, but also into the changing and contested nature of state governance. The policies of an authoritarian, modernizing state obviously influence both religion and tourism, but religious practices, the book clearly illustrates, tend to slip out of state control, and tourist tastes push development into directions not anticipated or welcomed by the state.

Contributions by: Kenneth Dean, Brian R. Dott, Xiaofei Kang, Charlene Makley, Susan K. McCarthy, Charles F. McKhann, Tim Oakes, Yu Luo Rioux, Donald S. Sutton, Marina Svensson, and Rubie Watson.


Tim Oakes is associate professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Colorado, Boulder.Donald S. Sutton is professor in the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University.


Chapter 1: Spirit Money: Tourism and Pilgrimage on the Sacred Slopes of Mount Tai
Chapter 2: Alchemy of the Ancestors: Rituals of Genealogy in the Service of the Nation in Rural China
Chapter 3: Pilgrim or Tourist? The Transformation of China's Revolutionary Holy Land
Chapter 4: Making Tourists and Remaking Locals: Religion, Ethnicity, and Patriotism on Display in Northern Sichuan
Chapter 5: Minzu, Market, and the Mandala: National Exhibitionism and Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Post-Mao China
Chapter 6: Economic Development and the Buddhist-Industrial Complex of Xishuangbanna
Chapter 7: Naxi Religion in the Age of Tourism: Persistence and (Re)creation
Chapter 8: Tourist Itineraries, Spatial Management, and Hidden Temples: The Revival of Religious Sites in a Water Town
Chapter 9: The Return Visits of Overseas Chinese to Ancestral Villages in Putian, Fujian

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